Make Retaining Walls and Pavers Work for You

Hardscapes are a critical feature in landscape design. Having the supplies to meet your client’s demands when it comes to this practical, as well as decorative, structural option is imperative. Utilizing retaining and pavers as part of your landscaping business can help to elevate your offerings. 

What are Hardscapes?

Hardscapes are a landscaped outdoor area that usually feature brick, stone, or concrete pavers. There may also be a mix of materials used as well. These areas help to elevate a client’s outdoor sitting area to not only make it more functional, but also more appealing to the eye. Hardscapes can be completely new projects or you can add onto an already existing project that a client has. By adding usable outdoor space, you can upgrade a property to help increase its overall value.

Types of Pavers to Offer Clients

Pavers, or paving stones, are typically utilized as exterior flooring options and can be commonly found in hardscape designs. Paving stones can be made from stone, brick, concrete, or other types of materials. Pavers offer clients versatility when it comes to design options. This is because pavers are offered in all different types of colors, shapes, and sizes. Offering pavers allows your landscaping business to offer clients a durable option for their hardscaping design needs.

Natural Stone Pavers

While natural stone pavers will be more expensive for a client, many of these types of pavers are used for patios that are adjacent to a pool or water feature. This is because natural stone is generally naturally absorbent. The most common types of natural stone pavers that are offered by landscaping professionals include flagstone and limestone. However, this stone is generally not recommended for clients that have high-traffic areas.

Brick Pavers

Brick is a naturally stain-resistant and durable material to utilize as a paver. Bricks also can be laid to help with draining, so this makes them perfect for walkways that lead through gardens. Since they come in a wide variety of colors and textures, brick pavers offer clients many different design options.

Concrete Pavers

Concrete pavers are arguably the most common paver type that is chosen by clients, as they are very durable. Concrete pavers also come in a wide variety of different styles and patterns, often with interlocking designs that make them appealing.

Valuable Hardscape Projects

While there are many different types of hardscapes, many of which can be customized to fit a client’s needs, some popular ones that clients value having the option of are down below.

Sitting Walls

Many clients that have patios in their outdoor spaces want to elevate the look or are interested in having extra seating. Sitting walls offer these clients an opportunity to add onto their patio by adding a sitting wall. Not only does the end product add beauty to the outdoor area, it also adds a new level of functionality. Other features can also be added to sitting walls easily, such as stone columns.


For clients that appreciate the overall functionality of their outdoor spaces, they may be interested in having a walkway. Walkways make it easy to walk around but can also keep guests or customers off of the landscaping. Walkways can be designed by landscaping professionals to connect to certain areas of an outdoor space, including a patio or gate. They can also be constructed with the same pavers as the patio or can utilize contrasting pavers to add an additional visual element.

Retaining Walls

Properties that have a steep slope or suffer from erosion may benefit from the construction of a retaining wall. Retaining walls help to level out a property to keep it functional. Clients that previously were unable to use their property or landscape how they would like would appreciate the option to add in a retaining wall.

Functions of Retaining Walls

There are many different functions of retaining walls that can help your clients elevate their property.

Soil Management

Managing soil erosion is one of the main functions of a retaining wall. Retaining walls help to provide a barrier that prevents soil from shifting or sliding. This is especially true for property owners that do not have many trees or vegetation on their property, or live in an area that is particular prone to heavy rain or flooding.

Addition of Functional Space

Having a slope or downhill side of a property can be a bummer for property owners, as that space may be unusable for them. They may not be able to landscape the area how they would like. Instead, offering a retaining wall option can allow property owners to create multi-functional spaces that would otherwise not be there.

Overflow Seating

Depending on the location of the retaining wall, they could offer property owners the chance to not only control soil erosion, but also offer their guests additional seating. This could mean more room next to a patio, fire pit, or even around an outdoor kitchen.

Clients May Need a Retaining Wall If:

  • They need a way to control erosion. Many property owners don’t consider the effects that erosion may have on their land until it is already too late. Many properties require the use of measures to help control erosion. Retaining walls can be a great solution for these clients, as retaining walls are designed at a slope to help hold back soil. Even if the client’s property isn’t currently impacted, those that are downhill from soil fault lines could experience erosion in the very near future. A retaining wall in these instances can help to provide some additional stability and peace of mind.
  • Their foundation is being threatened by a sliding hill. Erosion can impact a client’s foundation. A slope could be causing erosion to occur which could compact an uphill foundation. There also may be soil being washed away due to a downhill foundation. In both these cases, a retaining wall could help to stabilize the property.

Your One Stop for High-Quality Landscaping Supplies

At Superior, we have the inventory to get you what you need to elevate your landscaping business. Our team takes great pride in providing an individualized experience to not only bring you the best customer service, but also high-quality materials. Our national buying power allows our team to remain committed to your business to deliver you the supplies you need, when you need it. Whether you have a small order or a new large project, our stocked locations will have you covered. Get in contact with a member of our team today!

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